The case for…Taking stock…
The case for …having to-do list
We all have those moments (or is it days?) when we realized that we’d totally forgot to do (insert forgotten task here). The problem is ten minutes from now there’s a pretty good chance that it’ll once again slip out of our memory banks until our next brief flash of its’ recollection.
Truth is that between home, work and everything else in between that we need to do there’s a good chance that there simply aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the year to do them all.
But setting aside that reality, there’s the issue of actually remembering them. That’s where a good old fashioned to-do list comes in. Armed with one we can decide which ones belong at the top of it, the ones better relegated to “when there’s time”, those set aside for a really rainy day, and finally those best just outright deleted.
With that list made, we can assign those near the top of it to a specific day of the week for accomplishment. Then at that days’ end you get to enjoy the satisfaction of crossing off those completed and suffering the minor discomfort of moving those undone to the next day.
Next up: Some possible rules to manage that list.
Taking stock…And filling voids
Being a jack of all trades is an inescapable fact of being a soaper. But the question we probably need to ask ourselves is which of those varied skills is the one (or maybe it’s ones?) where we are least strong. And of those where we might need to improve, which is the potentially most valuable?
Setting aside the absolute core necessity of having solid product knowledge and adequate selling skills, which of those more ancillary abilities might we see the most benefit if we became even a bit more accomplished? It could be any one skill in that pretty long list, but regardless, if it’s a weakness that we can strengthen, we need to get on with the program and address it.
The how part is less clear, but the best place to start is probably asking someone we know who’s got that weak area down pat. It might be a co-worker or a friend. Perhaps it’s YouTube or some other online resource that can come into play.
Heck, you might even go old school and get a book from the library! How or where you go to address that deficit isn’t the issue. What is however is getting on with it.