Installation 101…Spare time to…

Installation 101…Be ready to go.


Being “ready to pull the trigger” is a phrase we hear a lot. And it’s pretty good advice in many situations, but never more so than when we’re talking about a timely new account install. On the most basic level, that means having that dispenser set on hand so that when that new prospect finally says, “I do”, you can! But beyond having the ability to pull that dispenser off the

shelf, there are a lot of other considerations.


For starters, what fittings might be required, or are there any special electrical considerations involved? Will the machine itself need any PM attention and do you have those parts? (see other article) Also, since most installs are benefited by an extra set of hands, who will you get to be there and is he also bringing the chemicals?


If you’re using AC powered tools do you have a long enough extension cord – or extra batteries for the drill if that’s your choice? How about wall anchors, conduit and fittings? Do you have electrical and Teflon tape, electrical connectors and a Shark Bite connector or two? Remember, Lowe’s probably won’t be open when you remember what your forgot, so planning in the daylight is pretty critical.


You worked hard to win that new account. It’d be a shame if the first evidence of you delivering on your promise of great service was the arrival of the manager to find you half-finished and waiting for backup … or that one part you forgot.


Next up: Planning the install.


Spare time to…Look at your spares


Okay so you took the advice on rejuvenating the tool kit and you’re feeling pretty good about its’ refreshed condition. Now what about that ever-shrinking spare parts kit? A month ago, it contained all sorts of goodies like fuses, relays, door guides, drain pipe O rings, a few siphon breaker rebuild kits, a variety of rinse jets, a spare rinse arm, and more.


But now that list’s been shortened by half (at least) and you’re no longer as prepared to deal with that new emergency – or just plain old preventive maintenance. And if by chance you don’t carry any of these commonly needed items, maybe you should.


The difference between good and great service (not to mention results) might just reside in having those parts. Take worn rinse jets. If their orifices are eroded and are now 25% larger than when new, rinse pressure is reduced by 50% and rinsing efficiency is greatly diminished. Oh, and final rinse water use increases by 100%.  And if that machine is a high temp single tank door unit, detergent use doubles.


Yep, those spares can make for happy customers, great results and even a nice additional revenue stream. But the lack of them can mean a door left open to a smart competitor.


Next up: Time for a tune up?