Minor decisions…A strong case…

Minor decisions …Major impacts

When we think of a prospect call, our minds pretty much automatically shift to the dish or laundry machine or some other large objective. And that’s pretty much to be expected. But the rub is (assuming it’s a truly cold call) they don’t really know us, or our reputation. That means that we’re making a pretty big ask with little evidence it’ll pay off, with lots of possible downside for them if they make that decision and we fall short.

They’ll immediately think of the unpleasant interaction they’ll need to have with the incumbent supplier and all the dislocations and hassle associated with that change. It’s a major decision we’re asking them to make.

Now making that effort for the big decision is certainly okay and in fact it’s the way most of the new accounts we open are created. But when we’re stymied in that attempt, rather than continuing to push against that resistance, perhaps there’s a better idea.

It’s to go for a less big decision like the hand washing products, table sanitizer, hand soap or the kitchen degreaser. Those smaller decisions are less impactful but can be a great avenue to earn that prospects comfort with us – and that can lead to making that major decision much less daunting.

Oh, and even if it doesn’t, you’re making new profits with little to no service commitment!

Next up: Making that sales pivot.

A strong case …For those cases

Our business can be summarized in a single sentence explaining the bargain we have with our customers: They agree to buy (and pay for) our products and in return we agree to provide an array of services that are essential to maintaining good sanitation and appearances.

Of course the range of those services is proportional to their purchases. For example a customer who buys only a degreaser and maybe a hand dish washing detergent, will receive little. Another who orders every sanitation and cleaning product from you both deserves and receives a lot.

The rub is that if you’re only supplying the machine products and they buy those ancillaries from another source, that supplier gets a free ride. You in turn get to do all the heavy lifting and are shorted those more profitable additional sanitation products.

That higher profitability of selling the full line results from there being little or no additional service. But if we don’t sell them whoever is supplying them is quite possibly earning more bottom line profit than you.

Next up: Executing a plan to right that wrong.