Teaching them just…Service and then…

Teaching them just …just like we learn Some think that teaching…

Memories and…Positively great…

Memories and …Checking them Memory can be a very deceiving…

Softness vs absorbency…Maybe perfect is…

Softness vs. absorbency…or maybe happy skin When it comes…

Some hot thoughts… Tinstaafl, Ycgrsoy…

Some hot thoughts… On heat sanitizing While we sell our sanitizers…

A penny saved…Chances, choices…

A penny saved…A germ killed When we’re pitching our disinfectant…

Horns, Baskets…Some words…

Horns, Baskets…And surviving When that new F&B director,…

A new face and…Today, tomorrow…

A new face and…a new challenge A new F&B director arrives…

PM means more…Consider what…

PM means more…than maintenance We tend to view that regular…

Do It Now…This too…

Do it now…Or it gets worse Whether it’s our best customer…

Easy cheesy…Competition and…

Easy cheesy…Maybe too easy? Well that sale was easy! Or was…