Entries by webtec

Paperwork worth Its’ weight. The little stuff That matters.

Paperwork worth… Its’ weight If there were ever a task that all of us could agree is pretty much a PITA, it would likely be writing that darn service report. Typically, we’re already running behind for our next call by the time we’ve wrapped up servicing the machine and now we have to take another […]

New direction vs. tried & true. Little things that mean a lot.

New directions versus… Tried and true   It’s always exciting and even a little invigorating to launch a new project or just adopt a new way to attack an old challenge. One downside to doing so is that while it’s tantalizing, that new bright and shiny approach might not be as effective as what you’ve […]

Leaning into the wind just a bit. The power of the pencil.

Leaning into the wind… Well just a bit   Collecting what our customers owe us isn’t a sometimes thing. Nope, it’s an all of the time, every time we see them kind of thing. And to facilitate that process we need to be constantly on top of the collection status of all our customers.   […]