Entries by Jennifer Rasnick

Perfect or good…Success, repetition and…

Perfect or good…a tricky choice? Striving for perfection is always a good thing. If we were in hospital prepping for heart surgery, we’d sure agree that we’d want the surgeon fixing that wonky heart valve to be thinking that way! While aiming to achieve perfection – even in the everyday is laudable, if it’s seen […]

Resolutions and…Practice makes perfect…

Resolutions and…better goals New Year resolutions. We often make them too optimistically and later realize they’re not achievable so we write them off – maybe even before we’d really begun tackling them. Business goals can fall victim to the same problem. But if we’re disciplined about creating goals that are believable, achievable and measurable we […]

Budgeting made….Handling with the….

Budgeting made…Easy (er) If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll still end up somewhere. The “where” is the question. When it comes to how 2025 will end up, we may or may not like the destination. But the chances of liking it are measurably better if we have a reasonable plan (budget) to get […]

Merry Christmas – Soapy Edition

  It was that time of the year again. Soapy and the misses were making their way north to spend Christmas with Soapy Junior, his bride and the grandkids. It was a pretty long trek from the sunny south where he’d finally dropped anchor in retirement but seeing family and old friends was well worth […]

Get more information…One more time…

Get more information…Deliver better service When that emergency call comes in, it’s time to pause. Of course the customer on the other end is more often than not either worried, angry or panicked. That pause, can pay off – but only if we use it to get more facts so that we can better understand […]

What’s behind…Over and under…

What’s behind…door number one? Every time we get out of the car, open that prospect or customer’s door, we’re entering territory that’s either totally uncharted or that’s at least somewhat unknown. The people on the other side of it might be having the best … or worst day ever. That means that we have to […]

Happy people…Fires, showers…

Happy people…Happy faces You know the quip. about the guy who’s exhibiting every outward sign of being unhappy or upset but who, when asked says he’s totally happy and everything’s fine. Then the quips’ snappy line follows with, “Well, maybe you ought to tell your face that!”. Perhaps that’s something we might want to tell […]

Life to that…Laughter, happiness….

Life to that…dead prospect That really attractive prospect you gave up on six months ago is still “calling your name”. And giving that opportunity just one more try is pretty hard to resist. Regrettably you know they’re still dealing with the same supplier and as far as you know nothing’s changed in their businesses’ landscape […]

Dead opportunities…Those small hustles…

Dead opportunities…And revisiting them So that prospect you wrote off last year as unsaleable after multiple calls is dead. Or is it? Now to be frank, if nothing has changed in terms of what you have to offer, the account’s management, or the quality of the current suppliers’ services, chances are that it still is […]